Thursday, 5 July 2012

Why Do Wives Commit Adultery?

Shalom Daughters of Tzyon,

This is the day that YAHWAH has made…are you rejoicing?  Are you glad in it?  Then shout HaleluYAH and sing sweet praises unto YAHWAH our Elohym!!!
Sisters, this topic is about something that is happening quite a lot in the Body of Messiah, and it is happening with wives!    Why are wives committing  “adultery?” 
The definition of “adultery” according to Torah is:  “A  married woman (or a woman who is engaged, which also means that she is considered married), who has sexual intercourse with a man other than her eesh/husband; the man can be single or married.”
Why are wives cheating on their husbands in 2008? Could this be due to the fact that the husband does not give much of his time to his wife. The husband is usually the bread winner in a family and spends most of his time at work. This is especially so when a husband is self-employed and works for himself. His time becomes more important to him to work as he needs to make money for the family to survive.
Sisters, if your husbands are workaholics, could you be more at risk to commit adultery?  Does your husband become so engrossed in his work that it may seem to you that he is totally ignoring you?  When you try to tell him something, is he only half listening and does this  frustrate you? 
Another reason why some wives commit adultery is to try and make their husbands jealous. This is a very dangerous situation as often when the husband finds out about his cheating wife he is absolutely furious and cannot understand why his wife has betrayed him as he has trusted her to come and go when and where she pleases. Many wives expect their husbands to forgive and forget that they have strayed and cheated on them. For some husbands this may be the case but for others they feel intimidated that their wives have cheated on them and do not wish to stay together any longer as the wife may keep cheating on them in the future.
Another reason why some wives commit adultery is because their husbands did it to them first. They want to get them back and feel justified cheating on their husbands because they want their husbands to feel the same pain of betrayal that they felt.
Here are a few other reasons I’ve found out why some wives commit adultery:
1.   Some wives say they cheat to show their husbands that they are still desirable to other men.
2.   Wives may commit adultery because they feel neglected. 
3.   If the marriage is bumpy or stressful a wife may turn to another man to provide what is lacking in her own relationship with her husband.
4.   Still many more wives commit adultery for the pure thrill of it.  It's well known that in the early days of a relationship the brain releases powerful endorphins which create a state of europhoria, that in itself can be a real turn-on and even addictive.  Sad to say though, when a wife cheats because of this she will rarely remain faithful to any one man for any length of time.
Sisterhood, has something happened in your lives, or is something going on presently in your marriages that has made you or is making/tempting you to seek comfort from another man outside of your marriage?  This couldn’t possibly happen to you right?  You would “never” entertain the thought, yet alone commit such a sin right?
Well, let’s talk about it if we dare?  What do you think are the “real” reasons why women commit adultery, and are those reasons valid or not?   “When” adultery is committed, who is the “other man”; is it someone that the woman knows?   Is a "bad/no sex life" a valid reason to commit adultery?  Does committing adultery really improves one’s marriage?   Let’s delve into these questions, you may use the NWS forum if you would like to express yourselves in regards to this topic; and let us all come to the table and discuss exactly “why wives commit adultery.”  It is not a myth…this is 4 real y’all!

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